New Erasmus plus project: AUTISM PCP-A hollistic approach of person-centred planning for people with Autism
AUTISM PCP is an innovative cross-sectoral partnership project with strong European added value; as such, ‘AUTISM PCP’ addresses important horizontal as well as sectoral priorities for the European Union, such as ‘social inclusion, adult learning policies and Early School Leaving (ESL).
The main objectives of ‘AUTISM_PCP’ are:
– Empowerment of individuals at risk of social exclusion and more specifically empowerment
of ASC individuals.
– Strengthening of the overall effort for social inclusion and integration of ASC individuals at
mainstream education & society at large.
– Enhancing competences of professionals and all those individuals, such as family members
& relatives, etc., involved in the life of ASC individuals.
– Raise awareness to the general public with regards to social inclusion of pupils with Autism.
VIII interdisciplinary congress in Moscow
The president of MSSA Prof. Dr. Vladimir Trajkovski is invited lecturer at the VIII interdisciplinary vocational scientific congress with international participation “Children’s cerebral palsy and other disorders in children’s movement”, which will be held from 1 to 2 November 2018 in Moscow, Russia. Within the 30 minute lecture he will speak on the topic: “Association between Cerebral Palsy and Autism Spectrum Disorders”. Besides the lecture, significant contacts are planned with medical institutions from Russia and across Europe.
Cooperation between MSSA and Institute of Microbiology and Parasitology
Dear parents of children with an autistic spectrum of disorder,
We would like to inform you that a cooperation has been established between the Macedonian Scientific Society for Autism and the Institute of Microbiology and Parasitology at the Medical Faculty in Skopje. At the request of my colleague Dr. Gordana Mirchevska to free feces analysis of at least 35 children and youth who have an autistic spectrum of disorder, the director prof. Prof. Dr. Kakja Popovska, positively responded. For all those who are interested in this issue, it is known that the GIT of children with ASD is often overgrowth with the pathogen Candida albicans and some helminths. A positive finding will mean providing adequate anticandial and antihelmetic therapy, thereby improving the symptoms of your children. Knowing the material financial status of families who have a child with ASD I decided to ask my colleagues from the Institute to meet you. Studies have already lasted for two months and few reagents remain. You will be able to take the faculty of analysis of this institute located in the old building of the Institutes, or opposite the Ministry of Health.
What is the procedure?
You, as parents, need to purchase a sterile bottle of foxes (buy it) or go personally to the Institute and ask the colleague Dr. Gordana Mirchevska to give you a bottle. Then, in the coming days when the child will defecate in the morning, take a spoonful of feces to take it in the bottle and immediately deliver it personally to it. I would like to mention that no referral from a family doctor is required, nor was any payment for the service. The number of analyzes is limited up to 35 and therefore you will have to hurry. At the institute you will be able to go every working day from 10:00 to 14:00.
In order for there to be no wrong diagnoses and possible abuse from other parents, the parents will have to contact me first, and then I will approve that they really have ASN their children, and only then with my recommendation to go to the Institute.
I would like to extend my gratitude to my colleagues on this occasion: Dr. Gordana Mircevska, for the readiness to be available to our parents and the director, prof. Kaka Popovska, Ph.D., on the smooth provision of this cooperation.
MSSA does not cease to care for the health of people with an autistic spectrum of disorders.
President of MNSA