Institute of Special Education and Rehabilitation,
Faculty of Philosophy
Goce Delchev 9A, 1000 Skopje
Phone. +389 2/3116-520 (ext. 234); fax. +389-2-3118-143

List of articles

  1. Kopachev D, Nastov P.Autistic child – our case study. Macedonian Medical Rewiev. Skopje, 1983; XXXVII, 1-2: 30-32.
  2. Lakoski A.Genetic aspects of autism. Journal of Special Education and Rehabilitation. Skopje, 1997; 2: 49-55.
  3. Lukikj D.System for protection of children with autism. Journal of Special Education and Rehabilitation. Skopje, 1998; 2-3: 135-144.
  4. Ajdinski Lj.Children with autism and need for organization their treatment in Republic of Macedonia. Journal of Special Education and Rehabilitation. Skopje, 1999; 3-4: 57-66.
  5. Petrov R, Kopachev D, Petrova V.Treatment of children with autism. Annual of Faculty of Phylosophi. Skopje, 1999; 26 (52): 397-407.
  6. Petrov R, Kopachev D, Petrova V.For children with autism. Association for help children with autism. Skopje, 2000.
  7. Trajkovski V, Spiroski M.Autoimmunity and autism. Macedonian Medical Rewiev. Skopje, 2000; 54 (Supl. 43): 47-53.
  8. Trajkovski V.The news in medical therapy of autism. Special Pedagocis. Sofia, June, 2000; 2: 16-22.
  9. Trajkovski V, Spiroski M.Immunodiagnostics and immunotherapy of autism. Journal of Special Education and Rehabilitation. Skopje, 2000; 1-2: 17-21.
  10. Trajkovski V.Document for persons with autism. Annual of Faculty of Phylosophi. Skopje, 2000; 27 (53): 357-377.
  11. Kopachev D, Petrov R, Petrova V.Treatment of children with autism – neuropsychological approach. Annual of Faculty of Phylosophi. Skopje, 2000; 27 (53): 339-346.
  12. Trajkovski V.Autism on Internet . Journal of Special Education and Rehabilitation. Skopje, 2000; 3-4: 124-131.
  13. Kopachev D, Trajkovski V.Autism and tuberous sclerosis. Journal of Special Education and Rehabilitation. Skopje, 2000; 3-4: 84-89.
  14. Trajkovski V.Immunogenetic aspects of autism. Belgrade Special Educational School. Belgrade, 2001; 2-3: 88-96.
  15. Trajkovski V, Spiroski M.Immune deficiency and supression of immune system in children with autism. Special Pedagocis. Sofia,  June, 2002; 2: 3-15.
  16. Trajkovski V, Ajdinski Lj, Spiroski M. The charter for persons with autism in Republic of Macedonia.Macedonian Scientific Society for Autism. Skopje, 2002; 1-81.
  17. Trajkovski V.Differential diagnosis of autistic syndrome. Annual of Faculty of Phylosophi. Skopje, 2002; 29 (55): 243-253.
  18. Trajkovski V.Plasma concentartion of immunoglobuline classes and subclasses in children with autism in Republic of Macedonia. Belgrade Special Educational School. Belgrade, 2002; 3: 161-168.
  19. Trajkovski EV. Faculty of Phylosophi, Institute of Special education and Rehabilitation, Skopje, 2004.
  20. Trajkovski V, Ajdinski Lj, Spiroski M.Plasma Concentration of Immunoglobulin Classes and Subclasses in Children with Autism in the Republic of Macedonia: Retrospective Study. Croatian Medical Journal 2004; 45 (6): 746-749.
  21. Trajkovski V.Etiology of autism. Journal of Special Education and Rehabilitation. Skopje, 2004; 1-2: 61-74.
  22. Ivanovska J, Trajkovski V, Ajdinski G, Luki} D.Some chrasteristics of adolescents with autism.Belgrade Special Educational School. Belgrade, 2004; 2-3: 155-170.
  23. Trajkovski V.News in therapy of autism. Journal of Special Education and Rehabilitation. Skopje, 2004; 3-4: 43-56.
  24. Sing KV.Rehabilitation of autism with immune modulation therapy. Journal of Special Education and Rehabilitation. Skopje, 2004; 3-4: 161-178.
  25. Trajkovski V.Genetics of autism . Annual of Faculty of Phylosophi. Skopje, 2005; 58: 495-513.
  26. Kopachev D.Neuropsychological development dynamic approach in children with autism . Journal of Special Education and Rehabilitation. Skopje, 2005; 1-2: 5-16.
  27. Spiroski ZhM.Immunological approach to the diagnosis of autism . Journal of Special Education and Rehabilitation. Skopje, 2005; 1-2: 17-26.
  28. Ajdinski Lj.Condition, organization and directions in solving the problem of people with autism in the Republic of Macedonia . Journal of Special Education and Rehabilitation. Skopje, 2005; 1-2: 43-52.
  29. Petrova V, Petrov R.Tretament of children with autism within the group of children with mental retardation . Journal of Special Education and Rehabilitation. Skopje, 2005; 1-2: 61-68.
  30. Lazarovska V, Dimitrovska Zh.A presentation of a case of a child suffering from autism . Journal of Special Education and Rehabilitation. Skopje, 2005; 1-2: 69-73.
  31. Trajkovski V, Vasilevska K, Ajdinski Lj, Spiroski M.Epidemiological charasteristics of autism in Republic of Macedonia . Journal of Special Education and Rehabilitation. Skopje, 2005; 3-4: 25-39.
  32. Sing KV.Elevation of serum C-reactive protein and S100 proteins for systemic inflammation in autistic children . Journal of Special Education and Rehabilitation. Skopje, 2005; 3-4: 117-125.
  33. Trajkovski V.Biomedical aspects of autism. Book of articles, International Scientific Conference: Rehabilitation-condition and perspectives of children with developmental disabilities and persons with disabilities. October, 2006; 48-55.
  34. Kazanova M, Farag A, El-Baz A, Mott M, Hossam H, Fahmi R, Switala E.Abnormalities of the gyral window in autism: a macroscopic correlate to a putative minicolumnopathy . Journal of Special Education and Rehabilitation. Skopje, 2006; 1-2: 85-101.
  35. Kazanova M, Mott M.The neuropathology of autism: a selective review . Journal of Special Education and Rehabilitation. Skopje, 2006; 3-4: 21-35.
  36. Trajkovski V.Physiological abnormalities in autism . Annual of Faculty of Phylosophi. Skopje, 2007; 60: 651-670.
  37. Trajkovski V, Petlichkovski A, Efinska-Mladenovska O, Trajkov D, Arsov T, Strezova A, Aldinski Lj, Spiroski M.Higher Plasma Cocentration of Food-Specific Antibodies in Persons with Autistic Disorder in Comparison to Their Siblings. Focus on Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities 2008; 23 (3): 176-185.
  38. Trajkovski V.Autism and mitochondrial disfunction . Annual of Faculty of Phylosophi. Skopje, 2008; 61:539-549.
  39. Spiroski M, Trajkovski V, Trajkov D, Petlichkovski A, Efinska-Mladenovska O, Hristomanova S, Djulejic E, Paneva M, Bozhikov J.Family analysis of immunoglobulin classes and subclasses in children with autistic disorder . Bosnian Journal of Basic Medical Sciences. 2009; 9 (4): 283-289.
  40. Mladenovska B, Trajkovski V. Opinions and attitudes of parents and students for sexual development, sexual beavior and geneder identity of persons with autism in the Republic of Macedonia. Journal of Special Education and Rehabilitation. Skopje, 2010; 11(1-2): 7-24.
  41. Stankova T., Trajkovski V.Attitudes and opinions of employers, employees and parents about the employment of people with autism in the Republic of Macedonia . Journal of Special Education and Rehabilitation. Skopje, 2010; 11(3-4): 16-29.
  42. Trajkovski V.Co-morbid medical conditions in autism spectrum disorders. In: Chichevska Jovanova N, Dimitrova Radojichikj D, Jachova Z, editors. Proceedings of Fourth International Conference: Modern Aspects of Special Education and Rehabilitation of Persons with Disabilities, 2013 October 17-19; Ohrid: Faculty of Philosophy; c2014. 56-59.
  43. Troshanska J,Trajkovski V. Stages of communication in children with autism. In: Chichevska Jovanova N, Dimitrova Radojichikj D, Jachova Z, editors. Proceedings of Fourth International Conference: Modern Aspects of Special Education and Rehabilitation of Persons with Disabilities, 2013 October 17-19; Ohrid: Faculty of Philosophy; c2014. 70-80.
  44. Mitevska A, Trajkovski V.Inclusion of children with autism spectrum disorders. 200-212.
  45. Ilikj Peshikj M, Trajkovski V.Quality of relationships between brothers and sisters in families with children with autism. In: Chichevska Jovanova N, Dimitrova Radojichikj D, Jachova Z, editors. Proceedings of Fourth International Conference: Modern Aspects of Special Education and Rehabilitation of Persons with Disabilities, 2013 October 17-19; Ohrid: Faculty of Philosophy; c2014.494-504.
  46. Trajkovski V, Spiroski M.DNA typing of HLA-A, -C, -B, and -DRB1 in the children with autism in the Republic of Macedonia . Bratisl Lek Lysty 2015; 116(1): 14-19. DOI: 10.4149/BLL_2015_003.
  47. Nolcheva M, Trajkovski V. Exploratory study: stress, coping and support among parents of children with autism spectrum disorders. Journal of Special Education and Rehabilitation 2015; 16(3-4): 84-100.
  48. Trajkovski V. Immunogenetic aspects of autism spectrum disorders. Paediatria Croatica 2016; 60 (Supl 1): 84-89.
  49. Trajkovski V, Jurtoski F. Early intervention in children with autism spectrum disorders in Republic of Macedonia. Early intervention in Special Education and Rehabilitation-thematic collection of international importance. October 14-16th, 2016, Subotica: c2016. 139-151.
  50. Hansen DB, Orton LE, Adams C, Knecht L, Rindlisbaker S, Jurtoski F, Trajkovski V. A Pilot Study of a Behavioral Parent Training in the Republic of Macedonia. J Autism Dev Disord 47(6): 1878-1889. DOI 10.1007/s10803-017-3112-6.
  51. Preece D, Trajkovski V. Parent education in autism spectrum disorder – a review of the literature. Hrvatska revija za rehabilitacijska istraživanja 2017; 53(1): 118-128.
  52. Trajkovski V. Macedonia and Autism. Encyclopedia of Autism Spectrum Disorders. Ed. Volkmar FR. Springer New York. pp. 1-6. DOI 1007/978-1-4614-6435-8_102172-1.
  53. Weerkamp Bartolomeus P, Peter S, Srivastava A, Fitzgerald M, Marazziti D, Poletaev A, Trajkovski V. Autism: is there a place for ReAttach therapy? A promotion of natural self-healing through emotions rewiring. Ebook Edition, Giovanni Fioriti Editore, 2018.
  54. Trajkovski V. Health Condition in Persons with Autism Spectrum DisordersJournal for ReAttach Therapy and Developmental Diversities. 2018 Dec 29;
  55. Troshanska J, Trajkovski V, Jurtoski F, Preece D. The impact of ASD on Macedonian families and their experience of parent educationJournal of Special Education and Rehabilitation 2018; 19(3-4): 127-138.
  56. Vasilevska Petrovska I, Trajkovski V. Efects of a Computer‑Based Intervention on Emotion Understanding in Children with Autism Spectrum ConditionsJournal of Autism and Developmental Disorders. Online 09 July 2019;
  57. Vasilevska Petrovska I, Giannakopoulou CA, Giannakopoulou CA, Winstanley A, Miletto R, Constanţa Roşca G, Ivanova B, Kaisa V, and Trajkovski V. Environmental Barriers and Facilitators to Participation of People with Autism Spectrum Disorders: stakeholders’ perspectiveJournal for ReAttach Therapy and Developmental Diversities. Online 20 August 2019;
  58. Trajkovski V, Stancheska T. The inclusion of students with autism spectrum disorders in the region of Southwest Macedonia. October 18-20th, 2019, Budva: c2019. 37-52.
  59. Trajkovski V. Psychological aspects of autism spectrum disorderJournal for ReAttach Therapy and Developmental Diversities. 2020 Jul 05; 3(1):14-23.
  60. Трајковски В, Василевска Петровска И. Поддршка на социјални вештини и позитивно родителство. Прирачник за родители на деца со состојби од аутистичен спектар и професионалци од нивниот круг на поддршкаМакедонско научно здружение за аутизам, Скопје, 2020; 1‒132.
  61. Trajkovski V, Vasilevska Petrovska I. Mbështetja e shkathtësive sociale dhe prindësisë pozitive: doracak për prindërit e fëmijëve me gjendje të spektrit të autizmit dhe për profesionistët nga mjedisi i tyre i mbështetjesShoqata Shkencore e Maqedonisë për Autizmin, Shkup, 2020; 1‒126.
  62. Trajkovski V, Vasilevska Petrovska I. Supporting social skills and positive parenting: manual for parents of children with autism spectrum conditions and professionals in their circle of supportMacedonian Scientific Society for Autism, Skopje, 2020; 1‒127.